

This forum was made and designed for the soul purpose of sharing information about budgies and embracing eachothers passion for these amazing birds


failure to obey the rules stated below will result in a warning. after 3 warnings your account will be temporarily banned. This means you will not be able to access the forum. If the crime is serious enough, we may go straight to temporary banning without warning, or even deletion of your account.

Thread Posts

There is no age limit on this forum so we encourage you to please refrain from using obscene language. Sexual content is prohibited. Topics about bird breeding however, are not considered sexual content Talk of any form of animal abuse on the forums is prohibited. This is a very touchy subject and can seriously offend others. This topic may be discussed if you so wish, via the privacy of the messages. Just know these can be monitered if we think there may be a misuse of the message system We ask that you RESPECTFULLY give you opinion on this forum, we will not stand for abuse of other players. There will no giving of phone numbers and addresses on the forums or through messaging. You never know who is on the other side of the screen.

Shoutbox (being added soon)

The thread post rules also apply to the shoutbox. please look above for more details

Videos and Images

Sexual content, pornographic or suggestive images are prohobited. This includes through the messaging system. Animal abuse, cruelty or neglect is prohibited to be illustrated through videos or images, on the forums and messages. Offensive hand gestures are not allowed as these can be extremely offensive to certain viewers

Members and Staff

We require all members to conduct themselves in a mannor as stated by the rules above. Moderator applications will be considered, but please do not nag if your application is denied. If you wish to apply for a position as a moderator, please contact admin: Sky The Budgie